Faceless summoner hearthstone
Faceless summoner hearthstone

R'khem's name is, of course, a reference to the city of Arkham that is a setting for many of the Lovecraftian works that the Faceless Ones and Old Gods are inspired by. After freeing him, the Darkspeaker will reward adventurers before teleporting away, leaving a voice that translates as laughter in the adventurer's mind.

faceless summoner hearthstone

Darkspeaker R'khem is captured and chained up by the vrykul serving the Lich King in the Saronite Mines in Northrend, and offers adventurers to assist in freeing him, slaying the vrykul that have chained him within the Saronite Mines. Well, it's just like Yogg-Saron to throw chaos into all our lore discussion, huh?ĭarkspeaker: Darkspeaker is a reference to the NPC called Darkspeaker R'khem. Oh and his arms are far more tentacly than usual. smoke? Slime? Goop? He also has wings, which no Faceless One has, but he's also too skinny (and goopy) to be a C'thraxxi. He looks like a Faceless One made out of. Servant of Yogg-Saron: The Servant of Yogg-Saron is clearly, well, a servant of Yogg-Saron, but it's not super-clear just what he is. In Warcraft III, Faceless Ones are always carrying around cudgels, though, just like this dude. Zealous Initiate: No real lore behind the Zealous Initiate, beyond being, well, a Faceless One. Demented Frostcaller and Eater of Secrets are examples of the 'spellcaster' Faceless One. Faceless Manipulator, Master of Evolution and Flamewreathed Faceless are examples of the 'aquatic'/WCIII Faceless One. To use Hearthstone card art as a reference, Herald Volazj and Darkspeaker are examples of the 'standard' Faceless One. A third type, known as a spellcaster, wear masks, are far thinner and have a thin tentacle jutting down from their faces. The second type of n'raqi are introduced in Cataclysm, and are often called 'aquatic' Faceless Ones, and more accurately resemble the Faceless One model from Warcraft III, with eyes and three tentacles as a lower face. These standard faceless have one arm larger than the other. The three main types seen in WoW are the 'standard' version, first introduced in WotLK, which have an armoured-like carapace at the front of their face, and have no discernible eyes. Throughout World of Warcraft, at least three variations of the n'raqi have been observed, in addition to the Faceless General, identified later as a member of the similar-but-different race called C'Thraxxi (which we'll cover below). The Faceless Ones vary in shape, function and size. Faceless Ones are fanatical, speak in their own language, and carry with them strange magics that cause madness and corruption whenever they touch. In Legion, even more Faceless Ones are unleashed from their prisons by Legion assaults all over the world, and, revealing the Old Gods' hand in the corruption of the Emerald Dream, many Faceless Ones fought alongside the Nightmare Lord Xavius in the Emerald Nightmare. Many Faceless Ones were seen in Northrend during Wrath of the Lich King due to the presence of Yogg-Saron in the frozen continent, and many more were seen at various spots in Cataclysm, assisting Deathwing's forces both in the Abyssal Maw, Grim Batol and Wyrmrest Temple. Faceless Ones guard the interests of their Old God masters, and many are dispatched to assist other minions of the Old Gods. That would only be the beginning of the Faceless Ones' presence in Azeroth, for as their Old God masters awakened, so do they. During the events of Frozen Throne, the Death KnightArthas would encounter these Faceless Ones and slay them and their master, a creature known as the Forgotten One. Many Faceless Ones were slain and imprisoned deep beneath the Earth when the Titans arrived to order the world, but during the events of the Third War, the Faceless Ones were revealed to be unleashed from their slumber by nerubian excavation projects when they were attempting to escape Ner'zhul's Scourge. The Faceless Ones exist only to serve their masters, and waged battle for them first against the Elementals, and later against the Titans.

faceless summoner hearthstone

They were the minions that rose from the organic matter that seeped out of the Old Gods' forms during their rule over Azeroth, and they serve their masters with fanatical loyalty.

faceless summoner hearthstone

First among the races we'll be talking about would be the Faceless Ones, or, in their own tongue, the N'raqi.

Faceless summoner hearthstone